Yesterday’s full moon was the last full moon of Winter 2022 . Legend says that Native American Indians named it the “worm moon” because the squiggles shown on its surface made them think of the wiggly creatures who begin to make their way through the earth in anticipation of Spring. Unattractive to many, worms are the literal movers and shakers of the earth. Without their constant churning, the earth would not warm up sufficiently to be supportive of new growth. Spiritually, it is said that this moon also signals the beginning of change and a new direction. Many of us who sit with these thoughts and feel the first hint of spring might find the same stirring taking place in our thoughts and knitting practice.
I, for one, find myself going through my yarns and tools determined to get ready for a new season of knitting projects. In doing this, I often find something that I may have stowed away in a previous organizational tizzy. That’s exactly how I came to discover this incredible little gem of a tape measure. How fitting that it’s a lamb – the well-loved harbinger of spring.
He’s too cute to keep under wraps, so he now rides in my knitting tote. I get so much enjoyment from taking him out and watching my knitting pals fall in love with him. These whimsical merino sheep tape measures come in a variety of natural hues: grey, white and black Metric and English measurements are shown on opposite sides of a 5’ long retractable measure.
For those of us who remember a beloved sock monkey, Lantern Moon has created this little hand crocheted fellow. The same metric and English measurements are shown on opposite sides of the 5’ measure.
Just imagine sitting outside in the sun or the park and working on a lightweight spring shawl or top. Having one of these tape measures along for the ride – will make you smile.
These are just a few examples of the accessories that Lantern Moon can offer you as you begin to look forward to spring and new knitting projects. Click on the above link to see this season’s variety of helpful tools and notions.
Please do not forget: We love hearing from our knitting and crochet artists. Please let us know if you have any questions and share with us any of your projects. Please follow us on Instagram and all the usual socially active places, as well.