
Learn To Knit A Double Diamond Socks

Learn To Knit A Double Diamond Socks

Do you want to knit summer-friendly socks with your best knitting needles? Great! Today, your loving knitting partner, Lantern Moon, is thrilled to present– a light and airy sock pattern made with the softest yarn, perfect for those sunny days ahead. So, let's jump right in and start knitting!

Double Diamond Socks


To fit: Average adult women

Foot size: Approx 5-7 UK

Cuff circumference: 14cm (5 1/2in) Stretchable

Leg circumference: 26.5 cm (10 1/2in) Adjustable

Required Supplies

  1. Sock Yarn in any color/s of your choice.
  2. Double pointed or circular knitting needles, whichever you prefer.
  3. Knitting accessories: Stitch markers, blocking tools, and Scissors.


  1. After blocking, 31 sts and 45 rnd to 10cm over st st.
  2. Use a larger or smaller needle if necessary to get the correct tension.

Abbreviations used in the provided pattern:

  1. K: Knit
  2. K2tog: Knit 2 stitches together
  3. Yo: Yarn over
  4. Ssk: Slip, slip, knit (slip 1 stitch knitwise, slip another stitch knitwise, then knit them together through the back loops)
  5. Pm: Place marker
  6. St(s): Stitch(es)
  7. Tbl: Through the back loop
  8. Kfb: Knit into the front and back of the same stitch (knit front loop, then without taking the stitch off the left needle, knit into the back loop)
  9. Rep: Repeat
  10. M1L: Make one left (lift the bar between the stitches from front to back, then knit into the back of the loop)
  11. M1R: Make one right (lift the bar between the stitches from back to front, then knit into the front of the loop)
  12. Sm: Slip marker
  13. Rnd(s): Round(s)
  14. Inc.: Increase
  15. DPNs: Double pointed needles
  16. Cont.: Continue
  17. Patt: Pattern
  18. Instep: The top part of the foot
  19. RS: Right side
  20. WS: Wrong side
  21. W&t: Wrap and turn (slip the next stitch, bring the yarn to the opposite side, slip the stitch back, turn the work to begin the next row)
  22. Sl1: Slip 1 stitch
  23. Wyif: With yarn in front
  24. Wyib: With yarn in back
  25. P: Purl
  26. P2tog: Purl 2 stitches together
  27. K2tog tbl: Knit 2 stitches together through the back loops
  28. Dec: Decrease
  29. Cm: Centimeter
  30. In: Inch
  31. Rib: Ribbing


Worked over 25 sts and rnds.

  1. Rnd 1: K2, (k2tog, yo) twice, k1, (yo, ssk) twice, k3, (k2tog, yo) twice, k1, (yo, ssk) twice, k2.
  2. Rnd 2 and all alt rnds: Knit
  3. Rnd 3: *k1, (k2tog, yo), twice, k3, (yo, ssk) twice; rep from * one more time, k1.
  4. Rnd 5: (k2tog, yo) twice, k5, yo, ssk, yo, sk2po, yo, k2tog, yo, k5 (yo, ssk) twice.
  5. Rnd 7: *k1, (yo, ssk) twice, k3, (k2tog, yo) twice; rep from * one more time, k1.
  6. Rnd 9: *k2, (yo, ssk) twice, k1, (k2tog, yo) twice, k1; rep from * one more time, k1.
  7. Rnd 11: *k3, yo, ssk, yo, sk2po, yo, k2tog, yo, k2; rep from * one more time, k1.
  8. Rnd 12: Knit.

Sock (Make 2)

Cast on 26 sts using Judy's magic cast-on technique. Spilt sts evenly on over 2 needles. Pm to mark the beginning of the rnd and after 13 sts to mark the halfway point.

Set toe shaping

  1. Rnd 1: Knit, untwisting any twisted sts by knitting them tbl.
  2. Rnd 2 (inc.):  *K1, kfb, k to 2 sts before halfway m, kfb, k1; sm, rep from * once more (30 sts).
  3. Rnd 3: Rep rnd 2 (34 sts).
  4. Rnd 4: Knit.
  5. Rnd 5 (inc.): *K1, m1L, k to last st before halfway m, m1R, k1; sm, rep from * once more (inc. 4).
  6. Rnd 6: Knit.
  7. Rep rnds 5 and 6 until you have 62 sts, ending after rnd 6. If using double pointed knitting needles, divide over 4 dpns when convenient.
  8. Knit 1 rnd.
  9. Change to Yarn A.
  10. Knit 2 rnd.

Set Double Diamond Lace Pattern (DDLP)

  1. Rnd 1: K3, work rnd 1 of DDLP over next 25 sts, k3, sm, k to end.
  2. This rnd sets the position of DDLP over the instep and st st over the sole.
  3. Cont. in patt as set until you have worked 4 full reps of lace patt, ending after an even-numbered rnd.

Set Gusset

  1. Rnd 1 (inc.): Patt across the instep to halfway marker, sm, m1R, pm, k to end of the rnd, pm, m1L (64 sts).
  2. Rnd 2: Patt across the instep sts, k to end.
  3. Rnd 3 (inc.): Patt across the instep sts, sm, m1R, k to end of rnd slipping markers, m1L (inc. 2).
  4. Rnd 4: Patt across the instep sts, k to end.
  5. Rep rnds 3 and 4 a further 9 times, then rep rnd 3 once more (86 sts-12 sts for each gusset).

Turn Heel

  1. Using yarn A, Patt across the instep to halfway marker (this should be a rnd 12 of patt, or an even-numbered rnd if you adjusted the length), sm, k to start to sole sts, sm.
  2. Break yarn A and change to yarn B.
  3. Short row 1 (RS): K to last sole sts, w&t.
  4. Short row 2: P to last at before m, w&t.
  5. Short row 3: K to last st before wrapped st, w&t.
  6. Short row 4: P to last st before wrapped st, w&t.
  7. Rep short rows 3 and 4 a further 7 times until 13 sts rem unwrapped at the center of the heel.

Set Heel Flap

  1. Row 1 (RS-dec): Working any wrapped sts together with their wraps as you come to them, k to last sole st, remove marker, ssk (last sole st with first gusset st), pm, turn (85 sts).
  2. Row 2 (dec): Sl1 wyif, working any wrapped sts tog with their wraps as you come to them, p to last sole st, remove marker, p2tog (last sole st with first gusset st), pm, turn (84 sts).
  3. Row 3 (dec): Sl1 wyib, k to last sole st, remove marker, ssk (last sole st with next gusset st), pm, turn (dec 1).
  4. Row 4 (dec): Sl1 wyif, p to last sole st, remove marker, p2tog (last sole st with next gusset st), pm, turn (dec 1)
  5. Rep rows 3 and 4 until 1 gusset st remains at each end after a row 4 (64 sts).
  6. Change to yarn A.
  7. With RS facing, sl1 wyib, k to last sole st, remove marker, ssk (last sole st with last gusset st), sm, patt as set across instep sts, sm, k2tog last gusset st with first sole st removing marker, k to end of sole sts (62 sts).

Set Leg Patt

  1. Rnd 1: *K3, work in DDLP as set, k3; sm, rep from* once more. This rnd sets leg lace patt.
  2. Cont in patt as set until you have worked 10 full reps of DDLP since the start of the foot or until the leg meas approx 2cm (1/4 in) less than the desired length, ending after a rnd 12 of Patt.
  3. Knit 1 rnd.

Set cuff

  1. Break yarn A, rejoin yarn B.
  2. Knit 1 rnd.
  3. Rib rnd: (K1 tbl, pl) around.
  4. Rep rib rnd 7 more times.
  5. Cast off using Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off

To Finish

Weave in ends and block according to yarn band instructions.

We absolutely adored this gorgeous sock pattern and know you will too. When it comes to bringing this design to life, our handcrafted wooden knitting needles are the perfect match. But don't just take our word for it – give them a try and witness their exceptional quality firsthand.

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