Have you ever found yourself eagerly ready with your knitting needles and pattern in hand, then stumped by the cryptic language written throughout the pattern? We've all been there. But you need not worry since Lantern Moon is here to shed some light on these knitting codes and make your crafting journey smoother. In this blog, we'll decode the sign language commonly used by designers in their patterns. Additionally, we'll explore why they opt for abbreviations in the patterns instead of spelling everything out. So, let's begin!
Why Are Knitting Abbreviations and Terms Used in the Patterns by Designers?
Clarity and simplicity: Using acronyms can help simplify the lengthy instructions in knitting patterns, making them easier to read and comprehend. By condensing complicated instructions into a shorter pattern, they can make a pattern more readable and space-efficient.
Consistency: Consistent abbreviations guarantee uniformity between various knitting designs. This makes it easier for knitters already familiar with common abbreviations to comprehend instructions in various patterns without constantly picking up new vocabulary.
International Understanding: Since knitting is a worldwide hobby, individuals with various nationalities and linguistic backgrounds have produced and used patterns. Standardized abbreviations make it easier for knitters worldwide to understand and follow instructions by bridging language boundaries.
Easy to Memorize: Knitters can become more proficient and enjoy the act of knitting by becoming familiar with popular knitting abbreviations and being able to reference and memorize them rapidly.
Tradition and Convention: The traditional knitting vocabulary includes several abbreviations that have been used for many years. In order to respect knitting's history and preserve ties to earlier knitters, designers frequently utilize these well-known abbreviations.
Overall, Knitting terms and abbreviations are used in designs to simplify communication between designers and knitters, making creating exquisite and detailed knitted clothing and accessories easier.
Knitting Terms & Abbreviations in Alphabetical Order
Alt: Alternate
Approx: Approximately
Beg: Beginning
Bet: Between
BO: Bind off
BOR: Beginning of round
Byo: Backward yarn over
BG - Both groups
BM - Before marker
BT - Back twist
C2B: Cable 2 back
C2F: Cable 2 front
C4B: Cable 4 back
C4F: Cable 4 front
C6B: Cable 6 back
C6F: Cable 6 front
CB: Cable back
CC: Contrasting color
CCD: Centered double decrease
CF: Cable forward
CN: Circular needle
Cm: Centimeter/s
CO: Cast on
CONT: Continue
dec: Decrease
DD - Double decrease
DK - Double knit
EOR: End of round/row
EON: End of needle
EA - Each
EK - End knit
EP - End purl
FC: front cross
FCN: Fixed circular needle
foll – follow
FJ - Fringe join
G st: Garter stitch
Grp – group
g: gram(s)
Inc: Increase
in(s) = inch, inches
ICN: Interchangeable circular needle
K: Knit
K2TOG: Knit 2 together
Ktbl: Knit through the back loop
KW/kwise: Knitwise
k1b = knit 1 below
kfb = Knitting front and back
LH: Left hand
M: Marker
M1: Make one stitch
MC: Main color
m: Meter/s
mm: Milimeter/s
M1p: Make 1 purl
Meas: Measure
m st: Moss stitch
ndl: Needle
P: Purl
Patt: Pattern
Pm: Place marker
Psso: Pass slipped stitch over
Pwise: Purl wise
P2tog: Purl 2 together
P3tog: Purl 2 together
P2togtbl: Purl 2 together through the back loop
Prev: Previous
Pu: Pick up
Rem: Remaining
Rep: Repeat
RH: Right hand
RS: Right side
Rev st st: Reverses stocking stitch
Rnd: Round
Rc: Right cross
Rt: Right twist
St: Stitch
S2kpo: Slip 2 stitches together knitwise, knit 1, pass slipped stitches over
Skpo: Slip, knit, pass slipped stitch over (pass over)
Sl st: Slip stitch
SL: Slip
Sl1: Slip 1
Sl1p: Slip 1 stitch purlwise
Sl1k: Slip 1 stitch knitwise
Sm: Slip marker
Ssk: Slip, slip, knit
Ssp: Slip, slip, purl
Stst: Stockinette stitch
Tog: Together
W&T: Wrap and turn
WS: Wrong side
Wyib: With yarn in back
Wyif: With yarn in front
Yo: Yarn over
yrn: Yarn round needle
y2rn: Yarn twice round needle
yb: yarn back
yfwd or yf: yarn forward
These abbreviations cover a wide range of knitting techniques and terms commonly used in patterns. Knowing them is like learning a secret language; they make navigating knitters' complex designs easy. Knowing the sizes of knitting needles is also essential, as they play a crucial role in the knitting process. Knitting needles sizes guarantee the ideal stitch tension to achieve the required fit and appearance. Therefore, educate yourself on them to improve your crafting.